When Terence Scruton beat bowel cancer, he and his wife Kathleen chose to celebrate the happy news by renewing their vows 50 years after they had initially been wed, and his blushing bride gave everyone a smile by fitting into the same dress she wore those many years ago.
Not only was the bride in the same dress though, the couple were married in the same church and also booked the Pelican Pub, where they spent a large part of their courting period.
Kathleen said of the special day:
“I never imagined the day we got married, that I would wear the same dress 50 years on and it would still be a perfect fit. It was wonderful to walk down the aisle again. All the memories of our first wedding day came flooding back. It felt like only yesterday.”
Kathleen and Terence met in 1963 at a New Years bash, and they were married only five months later after he proposed on her 21st birthday.
Luckily for the couple though, things have advanced in certain areas of wedding planning and they surely wouldn’t have spared any expense in hiring a top wedding photographer. Manchester is also awash with similar sweet stories, so perhaps the press may have a similar tale with local folks having such an endearing vow renewal.
For Terence and Kathleen, they were sure to enjoy their new lease of life with a three-day honeymoon down in the bright lights of London.